1. BIBLIOLOGY – The study of the Bible.
    Key words in this doctrine are “inspiration’, “revelation”’ and “illumination”.
  2. THEOLOGY – The study of God
    This doctrine includes His nature, character, and His attributes and His names.
  3. ANGELOLOGY – The study of angels.
    This would include “good” and evil angels as well as Satan and evil spirits.
  4. ANTHROPOLOGY – The study of man.
    This will include man’s origin and nature.
  5. HARMARTIOLOGY – The study of the origin, nature, extent, result, and penalty of sin.
  6. CHRISTOLOGY – The study of Christ, His person, and His work.
    Key words included are Preexistence, Incarnation, and Exaltation.
  7. SOTERIOLOGY – The doctrine of salvation.
    Included are its nature, application and provision.
  8. PNEUMATOLOGY – The study of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.
    Special emphasis will be directed towards the Holy Spirit’s involvement with world, the believer and the church.
  9. THERAPEUOLGY – The study of Divine Healing.
    Included in this doctrine are the origin of sickness, healing in the Atonement and methods of receiving healing.
  10. X. ECCLESIOLOGY The study of the Church, the Body of Christ.
    Insight into the mission, purpose, ordinances, officers and government will be considered.
  11. ESCHATOLOGY – The doctrine of last events in regards to Bible prophecy.
    Topics such as Dispensations, the Second Coming of Christ, Millennium, the Resurrection and Judgments will be examined.